My Little Sister

Genre: Horror

Staring into her new-born sister’s eyes, Jade felt love overwhelm her.  She had waited so long for a sibling and now this perfect, pink little girl was here.  Gently hugging her she whispered, ‘I’m your big sister, I love you and I will never let anyone hurt you.’

Jade spent as much time with Anna as she could, even shirking her chores to cuddle her sister.  The 4 years difference meant nothing, and she taught the little girl to crawl and speak and spent hours just playing with her and chatting.  Their mother smiled every day at the relationship between the little girls – it was inspirational. Never a cross word between them.…

The Red Stone

Genre: Thriller/horror

Cassiopeia watched from her boat as the police finalised their investigation, turning the ring and leaving the red stone on top.  Cold seeped through her jacket making it feel wet. Finally giving up she made her way inside.

‘Damm criminals. Who would hurt such a lovely, young girl?’  Bashing cups around, she made coffee and warmed soup, her anger grew.  It must have been a boyfriend and was most certainly a man.  Cass’s thoughts moved to her ex-husband Brody, and rage burned hot through her veins. He had screwed around, of course.  He now lived with the bitch, in sin Cass believed because she refused to sign the divorce papers. She wasn’t to blame he had messed around. …

The 5 Stone Ring

Genre: Fantasy

The legend say:

In ancient days in a village 150 miles away from Xi’an, China lived a medicine woman. Her name was Nian Zhen and she was highly respected in the area and very powerful.

Nian Zhen used herbs and crystals to heal, punish and advise the believers who came to see her.  She could see things and always spoke the truth, often upsetting those who came but she could not lie.

A rich and selfish farmer’s daughter came to see her, bringing several admirers with to put on a show. She believed that she was more important, educated, and beautiful than anyone else, including Nian Zhen.…

Rightful Owner

Genre: Thriller


Stretching Callis slowly rises from sleep.

‘Damn this bed’s comfortable’.  She looks around knowing there are a dozen things she can do to finish moving in, but the road’s calling.  Dressed in her running gear, she blitzes a power smoothie and gets moving.

Within minutes the only focus is her and the road, just the way she likes it.  Thump-thump. Thump-thump, its mesmerizing. She has a good run and heads home.

A quick shower later and Callis is starving.  She puts on water for eggs and slices 2 whole-wheat toast. She stops dead… weren’t there 6 eggs? Why would there only be 5 now? Callis always has 2 eggs.  She looks around in confusion. …