Genre: Horror

Something woke Bill from his sleep. He rose to the surface slowly, fighting not to wake up. He heard it again and flew out of dreamland. Hardly daring to breathe he listened. Dead quiet. He waited. Nothing.

Starting to relax he turned over preparing to fall back to sleep. He heard it again and dived out of bed. ‘Sounds like nails on a chalkboard’ he thought, a shiver sneaked up his spine.

He picked up the baseball bat that lived next to his bed and slipped out the door. It was chilly, making the hair rise on his arms and the back of his neck. That’s what he told himself anyway.

The hall and kitchen at the bottom of the stairs was black. He wouldn’t walk in there in that. Clicking the switch he waited for footsteps, screaming, anything but the nails. Nothing.

One step at a time got him to the passage his back pressed against the wall listening. It was silent.

He intended to quickly look around the wall and pull back but it was waiting. As he stuck his head out, a long sharp nail attached to a reptilian hand pierced his eye and his brain. He couldn’t yell. As he died he thought ‘This can’t be happening, 3 minutes ago I was fast asleep.’

Something woke Bill from his sleep. He rose to the surface slowly fighting not to wake up. He heard it again and flew out of dreamland. Hardly daring to breathe he listened.

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About the Author

Writer, Mother, Grandmother and Wife.

1 comment

  1. colleen gentle-maritz - Reply

    Wow!! Loved it! Your horrors are always excellent. One needs a cup of hot chocolate while reading them to savour every moment

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